This is the e-mail that you can copy and paste the
sections that I identify that you can...

But, I do not want these people to have my e-mail

And fuck all that sympathy shit....!

So, the strategic approach here is to attempt to convince
them that no matter painful it may seem to pay you some
money right now, or very soon, it would be more painful
not to.  Right?

So, if I were you, I would send them an e-mail that says

Dear Matt and Collette,

As much as I may have previously felt reluctant to do so,
the lack of payment of funds that you owe me really is
leaving me no choice but to proceed as this gentleman is
suggesting.  He is an acquaintance, who is a good friend of
a good friend of mine.  He has spent many years in the Attorney
General's Office, Consumer Protection Division.

Last summer, he predicted your current behavior, and at
that time made some suggestions.  Since they would have
very likely resulted in the closing of your business and
forfeiture of many of your key assets and this would have
likely made my getting paid anything from you even less
likely, I decided to hold off on implementing his suggestions.

But, as he says,  now, if you are not paying me anyway, what
do I have to lose by seeking justice for myself and others
who have been treated similarly?

That's hard to argue with.  I am very upset to be without the
funds you owe me at this time.  If it isn't forthcoming immediately,
more specifically, in full in cash or cashiers check within 48 hours,
then I really don't see how I have anything to lose by helping
to have you be held responsible for your conduct by 'those charged
with the authority and duty to do so', as he says:


I think that it is becoming clear that the measures I suggested to
you this last summer were not at all inappropriate.  It is our tax
dollars that pay for the appropriate government agencies that are
charged not just with the authority, but the duty, to investigate
and determine the most appropriate course of action against any
violators of State and/or Federal laws.

That statement is not meant to understate local authority, but as you
are aware, my background is State Law Enforcement, more specifically
the Attorney General's Office.

I maintain that the facts, as you have presented them, are a strong indication
of Unfair and Deceptive Business Practices, and  merit of a full
investigation.  There are actually, three agencies that I assure you, would be
interested in conducting an investigation into the Practices of these
individuals and the business entities they operate:  The Oregon State Attorney
General's Office, The Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Service.

What I recommend at point, since what has happened to you, has also happened
to other individuals, and all of you have the supporting documentation that I asked
about, is for as many of you as possible to pool a little money together and bring
that evidence to an Attorney and allow him/her to assist you all in your affidavits
and preparation of your complaints before filing them with these government agencies.

How the complaints are prepared, as well as the supporting documentation, can
effect what level of priority is assigned to the case and any resulting investigation. This
is why it worth a little time, money and effort to make sure these first steps are most
properly taken, and an experienced Attorney can be of invaluable assistance in this

I can tell you from experience, that when complaints come in,  even when further
investigation later revealed the same type of facts, a clearer, more compelling and
professionally prepared complaint, with supporting affidavits, documentation
and evidence, all but made a resulting investigation not just a given, but also a priority.

A pattern of fraud, as is indicated in this case, can with your testimony and the
testimony of the others, be more than sufficient to obtain a search warrant and
secure their records and any other relevant evidence.  I suspect much of the evidence
will be electronic, consequently, most if not all of their computers will need to be
removed and forensically inspected.

This may make it very difficult for them to maintain their enterprises, but if it is the
criminal enterprise that you are representing them to be, that can by willful conduct
dangle words like 'partner' and 'profit-sharing' to unlawfully evade both the laws
of this State and the Federal Government as well as the proper payment
of wages to you and others, again and gain, then I suggest to you, they should not
remain 'in business'.

If you don't currently have an Attorney or know of one, then get the funds together
quickly and I can get you in the door of Stoel Rives as I have numerous contacts there.

They are in Portland, but they are the best firm in this State, and it is worth the drive
there, and from there to Salem to prepare and present your affidavits and complaints.

I know what you are thinking, if you do this you will never see any more money from
these people because they will quite likely very soon be out of business and incarceration
is a distinct possibility.  So, think about this and think about it real hard.  If they are not
paying you they are not paying you!  And they are not paying you, right?

So, all you are accomplishing by not allowing the authorities to do their jobs, is providing
them cover to continue in the same manner and hurt someone else the same way as they
have done to you.  My God Matt, they owe $5,000.00 and all you are getting are lame
excuses and more statements to lead you on.  If you feel compelled to do so, give them a final
demand to pay you in full within 48 hours.

They can go sell something, borrow if necessary, but I'll tell you what, whatever it takes,
it would be a lot smarter for them to do that than try these wholly unacceptable 'theories'
out on Labor and IRS and AG investigators.  Cheaper too, their legal expenses alone would
run a minimum of ten times what they owe you, and that will be hard to get if they are
found to have been practicing a pattern of fraud that leads to the forfeiture of all the assets
used to perpetrate the fraud and funds gained from those same activities.

But don't count on them paying, and when they don't, Friday, go to Portland.  I may even
be able to meet you there and introduce you.

Trust me, this needs to be put to an end.  IF you don't get the full amount of what you are
owed within 2 days, you never will, and you ethically and morally have no choice but to step
forward and make the facts known to those who are charged with both the authority and duty
to handle matters such as these as prescribed by the statutes.

This is absolutely the best advice I can give you.  I am hopeful that the resolution I hear in your
voice this time around will keep you full of the courage necessary to see this matter through
to it's full and proper end.


Now Matt.................everything prior to this what I would copy and paste,
VERBATIM, DON'T CHANGE A WORD.........and send it to them in a email now.......
starting with the 'Dear Matt and Collette' above, to the 'Sincerely' at the end......

then you watch............and DO NOT EVER FEEL SYMPATHY FOR PEOPLE WHO
ARE SCREWING YOU AND OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do NOT, under any circumstances, ADD ANYTHING TO THIS, OR SAY ANYTHING

If you cannot follow these instructions, then just forget the whole thing and leave me out of
this entirely...............